Sunday, September 8, 2019

Political Considerations and Managing Political Risk in an Ever Research Paper

Political Considerations and Managing Political Risk in an Ever Evolving Global Marketplace - Research Paper Example This paper declares that the increased rate of globalization throughout the world has created a dynamic in which decision-makers within international business must consider able to factors as a means of continuing to expand the markets in which they operate and generate an even higher level of profitability. Ultimately, even a cursory level of business analysis reveals the fact that a company which does not focus itself on development and expansion will ultimately collapse and become nonviable. As a direct interpretation of this, it is necessary for firms to be international in their scope and to continually attempt to broaden the overall level of consumers that they are able to engage with. As the paper stresses recognizing how to manage political risk while conducting international business is an essential element that managers should be able to comprehend and understand. Without this understanding managers will be at a disadvantage and will place themselves at risk and even in harm’s way if they are not careful. Political landscapes shape businesses that operate overseas. These landscapes must be navigated carefully and with ethics in mind. Strong core values will be essential to their success. An effective understanding of â€Å"political risk† can be effected through an appreciation of societal organization; specifically the means by which the rules of law, or lack thereof, define the way in which a given region might be represented.

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