Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The FDAs Flop on Food. Sat Sample Ess

The FDA's Flop on Food. Sat Sample EssAdapted from Ruth Reichl's book, The FDA's Flop on Food. To make matters worse, the report is even more damning than I expected.Let me introduce you to sample ess. Their 'consumer protection' role has recently been usurped by the USDA.So how did sample is step in and take control of the FDA? Well, it would seem the organization recently agreed to step in to help the USDA enforce new regulations.Now the question is why would a group that is supposed to be looking out for consumers favor what is essentially a marketing program? So let me explain.The program allows market research companies to develop ingredients that are not considered to be potentially harmful to human health. This is a brand new concept to the FDA that I can't find any scientific evidence to support. In fact, the USDA has been more than happy to allow companies such as this to study the foods that they are not allowed to be sold in the states.Now that I have that cleared up, I wa nt to take a moment to address the issues surrounding the FDA. Do they really protect the consumer? Well there have been allegations that they don't, but I can't find any solid facts to back up those claims.While the Food and Drug Administration's current leadership has been quite a revelation (and I could have never imagined coming from a man named John Hill, who runs the agency), this has only been the beginning of their decline from their original government watchdog agency. Since they cannot control samples is, they cannot move to halt its operation. Which will mean these so called 'consumer protection' programs are basically worthless.If you'd like to learn more about sample is and why it may be the perfect example of a scam, then please visit my website. Please consider all this and think on it.

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